, Jakarta - Indonesia exports CN235-220 aircraft made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) or PT DI to Nepal. Ferry Flight one unit of CN235-220 Military Transport aircraft orders from the Nepalese Army is the realization of the delivery of the contract that was signed on June 16, 2017 with the contract number MGO / Fixed Wing / 073/74/65 between PT DI and the Nepales Army.
Funding for CN235-220 Military Transport aircraft production for the Nepalese Army is fully funded by the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank using the National Interest Account (NIA) scheme or the Special Export Assignment (PKE).
The provision of NIA facilities to PT DI is a realization of the Decree of the Minister of Finance (KMK) Number 512 / KMK.08 / 2018 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 649 / KMK.08 / 2017 Concerning Special Assignments to the Indonesian Export Financing Institution to Provide Export Financing Aircraft.
The National Interest Account (NIA) is a mandate given by the Government to LPEI to increase product competitiveness and encourage national strategic industries to export to non-traditional countries.
On a separate occasion, LPEI Executive Director Sinthya Roesly said that the performance of national industrial exports is very important for increasing the value of the trade balance, therefore efforts are needed to increase the value of exports both in terms of export volume and export destination markets.
So that the role of the Government through LPEI to provide special financing can stimulate Indonesia's strategic industry to trade (export) to non-traditional countries.
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